The first way you can obtain gold in Wildstar is by simply earning gold. You are going to obtain gold through quests you complete, leveling up and scavenging items throughout the game. Granted, this only gives you a small amount of gold and it might take a bit longer to purchase that battle axe you’ve had your eye on for some time, but it is the least expensive way to go about earning gold. It is also possible to pick up items that you simply do not need, such as that second broad sword or spells you have far too many of. With these items, you can sell to venders throughout the game for gold. That is why it is so important to pick up everything you can, especially towards the beginning of the game. When just starting off, even if the item is not worth very much (such as a plate, silverware or other material, you need to just pick it up and sell it off to the nearest vendor to at least start building your gold stockpile).
As you become more advanced in the game, you are able to craft together weapons that other individuals are going to want. When you have done so, you are able to sell the weapon, spells and other material to individuals in the online game. Here, you can make a good amount of gold. You do have to level up to be advanced enough in order to craft a desirable weapon, but once you have, the gold should start flowing in.
If you are willing to buy gold, you have an option. There are dozens of out-of-game marketplaces offerings that sell Wildstar gold in exchange for actual money such as and These can end up costing you hundreds of dollars (if not more), but if you don’t mind shelling out the cash, this is a good way to quickly expand your gold stockpile.